While people sometimes think that it is not advisable to have sex while someone is on their period, there is no medical or health reasons for this.

You can have sex while you are on your period and it even has some benefits – having an orgasm can boost your mood, relief muscle cramps and release tension. Period sex can get messy so using towels to avoid staining your bedding is a good idea. If you are not comfortable with penetration while you are on your period, you can always enjoy other forms of sex including oral sex and foreplay. You should still use lubricant if you are having sex during your period to make the sexual experience more comfortable and enjoyable to all parties.

There are some risks associated with period sex though as some sexually transmitted infections can be passed on more easily due to the bodily fluids involved. Due to this risk, you should always use appropriate protection (condom or dental dam) when having any form of sex during your period.

It is also possible, although unlikely, to get pregnant when you have unprotected sex during your period so if you are planning to have penetrative PiV (penis in vagina) sex, you should consider using a condom unless you are trying to conceive.


You can absolutely have sex during your period and it may even relieve some of your menstrual cramps, however, due to the risk of STIs and unwanted pregnancy, you should always consider using appropriate protection.

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